7 Reasons to Dump Old-Style Job Descriptions Now


For many of you it is no longer enough that your organisation’s Job Descriptions comply with the requirements of applicable Union Agreements and national employment legislation. 

The fact is that people don’t want jobs that just pay the bills. They want work that has relevance, gives them their brains back and make them feel good being connected to your brand. Whether you are an HR Practitioner, entrepreneur or business owner, we cannot escape the fact that fully engaged and collaborative employees are mandatory for your business viability. 

From the minute you are thinking of recruiting your first employee, you are obligated to lead the creation of an environment where meaningful and relevant work is done.

What if we re-designed the job description and instead re-imagine it as a living record of the employee’s and employer’s shared and aligned purpose. With care and renewed intent this document can help communicate so much more than a list of static duties, already obsolete responsibilities and burdensome obligations. Instead you can:-

  1. Tell your organisation’s story in a compelling way to lock in and engage your employees.

  2. Show your employees that what they do and how they perform their role are their important contributions in achieving the organisation's mission.

  3. Provide clarity of purpose and relevant information for effective recruitment marketing activities.

  4. Zero in on the attributes and message which will attract employees who share an affinity with your organisations values and culture.

  5. Help reduce costly hiring mistakes.

  6. Build your employer brand and boost your product/service brand.

  7. Throw dry and outdated Job Descriptions in the rubbish bin.

Go forth and transform your outdated and irrelevant Job Descriptions from blah to cooking with gas Role Profiles!